picoCTF 2022 - Web Exploitation

Writeup for the picoCTF 2022 - Web Exploitation category


Web Exploitation


100 points 7398 solves

Can you get the flag?
Go to this website and see what you can discover.

The button prompts an alert box hinting that the code is in a separate file.


When checking at the page source, the styles.css file contains the first half of the flag.

body {
  background-color: lightblue;

/*  picoCTF{1nclu51v17y_1of2_  */

The script.js file contains the second half of the flag.

function greetings()
  alert("This code is in a separate file!");

//  f7w_2of2_b8f4b022}

Flag: picoCTF{1nclu51v17y_1of2_f7w_2of2_b8f4b022}

Inspect HTML

100 points 7974 solves

Can you get the flag?
Go to this website and see what you can discover.

The flag is a comment in the source html file.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
    <title>On Histiaeus</title>
    <h1>On Histiaeus</h1>
    <p>However, according to Herodotus, Histiaeus was unhappy having to stay in
       Susa, and made plans to return to his position as King of Miletus by 
       instigating a revolt in Ionia. In 499 BC, he shaved the head of his 
       most trusted slave, tattooed a message on his head, and then waited for 
       his hair to grow back. The slave was then sent to Aristagoras, who was 
       instructed to shave the slave's head again and read the message, which 
       told him to revolt against the Persians.</p>
    <p> Source: Wikipedia on Histiaeus </p>

Flag: picoCTF{1n5p3t0r_0f_h7ml_fd5d57bd}

Local Authority

100 points 6562 solves

Can you get the flag?
Go to this website and see what you can discover.

There is a login form with the submit function handled by login.php. Looking into the php file reveals existence of secure.js and it contains the login username and password admin:strongPassword098765.

function checkPassword(username, password)
  if( username === 'admin' && password === 'strongPassword098765' )
    return true;
    return false;

The flag is shown on the screen when logged in with the provided user account.

Flag: picoCTF{j5_15_7r4n5p4r3n7_a8788e61}

Search source

100 points 4741 solves

The developer of this website mistakenly left an important artifact in the website source, can you find it?
The website is here

The flag is a comment in style.css.

.navbar-expand-md .navbar-nav .nav-link {
     padding: 15px 48px;
     font-size: 16px;
     color: #000;
     line-height: 18px;
/** banner_main picoCTF{1nsp3ti0n_0f_w3bpag3s_8de925a7} **/
 .carousel-indicators li {
     width: 20px;
     height: 20px;
     border-radius: 11px;
     background-color: #070000;

Flag: picoCTF{1nsp3ti0n_0f_w3bpag3s_8de925a7}

Forbidden Paths

200 points 4403 solves

Can you get the flag?
Here’s the website.
We know that the website files live in /usr/share/nginx/html/ and the flag is at /flag.txt but the website is filtering absolute file paths. Can you get past the filter to read the flag?

There is an input box for showing the content of a file according to the file name. The path ../../../../flag.txt was used as the input and the flag was returned.

Flag: picoCTF{7h3_p47h_70_5ucc355_e5fe3d4d}

200 points 5515 solves

Can you get the flag?
Go to this website and see what you can discover.

The button to start a guest section adds a cookie isAdmin = 0. The cookie was edited to isAdmin = 1 and the page was reloaded, which returned the flag.


Flag: picoCTF{gr4d3_A_c00k13_0d351e23}


200 points 3678 solves

We have several pages hidden. Can you find the one with the flag?
The website is running here.

index.html reveals a directory with the file secret/assets/index.css. The page secret/index.html was accessible.


The page source reveals another directory with file hidden/file.css and similarly, secret/hidden/index.html was accessible.


Tried to find login information at the page source but instead found another directory with the superhidden/xdfgwd.html. The page itself was not accessible but secret/hidden/superhidde/index.html was. Ctrl-A was used to select all and reveal the flag in white colour.


Flag: picoCTF{succ3ss_@h3n1c@10n_790d2615}

SQL Direct

200 points 3456 solves

Connect to this PostgreSQL server and find the flag!
psql -h saturn.picoctf.net -p 59382 -U postgres pico
Password is postgres

Connected to the database server and found the flags table. Listed all entries and the flag is returned.

pico=# \dt+
                                   List of relations
 Schema | Name  | Type  |  Owner   | Persistence | Access method | Size  | Description 
 public | flags | table | postgres | permanent   | heap          | 16 kB | 
(1 row)

pico=# select * from flags;
 id | firstname | lastname  |                address                 
  1 | Luke      | Skywalker | picoCTF{L3arN_S0m3_5qL_t0d4Y_21c94904}
  2 | Leia      | Organa    | Alderaan
  3 | Han       | Solo      | Corellia
(3 rows)

Flag: picoCTF{L3arN_S0m3_5qL_t0d4Y_21c94904}


300 points 3714 solves

Can you login to this website?
Try to login here.

There is a login form with the submit function handled by login.php. Looking into the php file reveals that the form might be vulnerable to SQL injection.

SQL query: SELECT * FROM users WHERE name=&#039;&#039; AND password=&#039;&#039;
</pre><h1>Login failed.</h1>

The username admin and password ' OR '1'='1 was submitted and successfully logged in. The page source revealed the hidden flag.


Flag: picoCTF{L00k5_l1k3_y0u_solv3d_it_ec8a64c7}
