BTL1 - Blue Team Level 1

Review for the Blue Team Level 1 (BTL1) certificate



  • Study time: 45 hours
  • Exam time: 15 hours
  • Result: 91 / 100 PASS

Study resources


I was very lucky to have won a free voucher from one of SBT’s giveaway events. As I was pretty busy with work, I started the course quite late but still managed to finish it before the 4-month deadline.

Although I had no work experience in blue teaming, I was still familiar with most of the contents (especially the phishing and Splunk part, as it is something I do for work). I would say the course will be a decent entry course for anyone interested in blue teaming without any background experience.

Another thing that I did not expect was the contents were delivered in text instead of videos (except for the labs). I would have preferred having videos to go through the contents way faster, but this is definitely just a personal preference.

The exam itself was quite fun, but I find the standard of the exam a bit quite unclear. By the time I submitted my report, I was unsure if I would fail the exam, just pass it, or have a decent score. I was clueless about their expectation. It took about a month to know that apparently, I did quite well with the report (yeah for the gold coin).
